Recap (text only) : I Love Lee Tae-ri Episode 4

Best use of a guy-guy kiss. Mammamia!

Episode 4

At the performance, Min-soo spots Seung-jae looking at them and alerts Tae-ri, who just looks away in disdain. Later, Tae-ri joins Seung-jae for his meeting with Soon-sim. In celebration of AppleHead retaining the number one spot for ten consecutive weeks, Soon-sim wants to commemorate the day by ascertaining the nature of his relationship with Tae-ri as well as officially make public their relationship.

Min-soo arrives a moment later with a bouquet of flowers but takes his seat beside Tae-ri. When Tae-ri expresses her regret for not getting her a gift, Min-soo eagerly hands over the flowers to Soon-sim. A grouchy Min-soo brusquely reminds Soon-sim that she was going to confess something regarding Min-soo. Min-soo thinks she's going to confess about their engagement and takes over. Soon-sim stops him before any damage is done and drags him outside.

Outside, Soon-sim warns him not to say anything stupid. Why would she call her boyfriend and his ex to a party to confess she's engaged? Min-soo is surprised that to learn that Seung-jae is her boyfriend. What about Eun-dong? Soon-sim moves closer, demanding for the truth...

At the 'party', Seung-jae asks if she deliberately brought Min-soo along knowing he'd be here. Tae-ri denies it, says that they're only here to watch Hong-sil perform. Doesn't she have other friends? Well, he should know better since he used to be the one to accompany her to Hong-sil's performances. Seung-jae remarks deprecatingly that he ceased to be on her side since Milan. And Tae-ri adds sarcastically that he now works for her uncle. Tae-ri tells him that he should have find a way to run away with her when their relationship was opposed by her grandpa.

Seung-jae retaliates by calling up the Vice President, informing him that Tae-ri has decided to withdraw the mobile museum and abstain from the museum management. Tae-ri comments that he's changed a lot but he doesn't agree, it's just that he's run out of excuses. She would've done the same if she were in his shoes. (Ok that all sounded very vague, just what the hell happened?) Tae-ri storms out and he closes his eyes in frustration.

Soon-sim accuses Min-soo of working for Eun-dong's family who, according to her, hopes to upgrade their pitiful family status by marrying into her money, her fame and her superior gene. (Ack, don't make me puke!)  Min-soo is heartbroken to hear her belittle his family, particularly since they treated her like family. She even offers to pay him more if he could take care of Eun-dong. In her eyes, Eun-dong is just a kid, dispensable as a used toothbrush. What if he's not a kid, but a really handsome man standing before her? That's impossible. Moreover, Eun-dong meant nothing to her from the very beginning. At her harsh words, Min-soo's tears fall but Soon-sim doesn't see it, having rushed off after a phone call. Aww...that's sad.

Min-soo asks Tae-ri who witnessed the exchange, for a drink. And so he starts to drown his sorrow by downing beers, even the one she's holding. Heh. She chides him for being a child for drowning the pain from a breakup with alcohol. At 25, he should be able to pull himself together. He moans that he's not 25, not an adult, not even Hwang Min-soo - he's just a kid. She thinks he's beyond help and rises to leave.

He calls her - mungbean fly's girlfriend! Muahaha. He knows she used to be mungbean's girlfriend, brushing aside her concern over his source, and asks why she likes Seung-jae. Soon-sim is just an impressionable young girl with poor taste but how could she - pretty face, smart brains and well-endowed (Muahahaha) woman - acknowledged that guy as Lee Tae-ri's man. It's Tae-ri's turn to be upset and she takes a long swig  from the beer can. Hah.

Soon-sim's grandmother is throwing a tantrum and refusing her hypotension medication. She's upset that Eun-dong has left a note and run away from home because of Soon-sim. Grandma wants Eun-dong found, and she wants Soon-sim to find him. Soon-sim suggests that they break off relations with Eun-dong's family. Grandma beseeches her to understand that she's only insisting that Soon-sim marry Eun-dong so that Soon-sim would not be alone once she's gone. Soon-sim disapproves and storms off unhappily. And grandma quickly takes her medication. (LOL. It's a ploy to get Soon-sim to summit to her wishes.)

Min-soo and Tae-ri has relocated to a bar where Tae-ri starts downing hard liquor while Min-soo worriedly tries to stop her. She's disinfecting herself - for that damn past in which she acknowledged that mungbean fly; for saying something useless to mungbean fly tonight and for the humiliation of drinking with Min-soo as her first friend in Korea. Min-soo downs a shot and ask if he's lacking in any way compared to the mungbeanfly and Tae-ri admits he's not. Heh. Min-soo moans uncomprehendingly that his first love,Soon-sim dumped him for another after she got famous. Tae-ri offers him a glass to disinfect. Hah. Then she tells him that the drink is the best medicine to cure a broken heart. If he perseveres until his wound heals, he'll find true love. They toast over "First loves exist merely for breakups".

Meanwhile, mungbeanfly is playing the Wii video games all the while berating himself. Well, he wants to reconcile with Tae-ri but he can't until he's amassed at least half her fortune. Right now, he's got zilch. ( I supposed to feel sorry for you?)

Min-soo is stucked piggy-backing a drunk Tae-ri. After almost breaking his back carrying her up flights of stairs, he borrows a trolley and wheels her back to....Coach's home who was breaking walnuts as a side income.

Coach is enamored by the serenely sleeping Tae-ri while Min-soo drags him repeatedly away from drooling over her. LOL. Min-soo confides that he's dumped by Soon-sim. He wonders if he's ever going to turn back into his 14 year old self. Everything he owns is slowly disappearing from his life - swimming, Soon-sim. Coach reassures him that it can be done since he's got Tae-ri.

Gazing at the sleeping Tae-ri, he mutters, "Is this woman really worth me staking my whole life for?"

Seeing that his coach has already fallen into deep sleep, he approaches the bed and stares at her curiously for a long moment. Then he adjusts her blanket and asks the sleeping Tae-ri to take care of him.

In the next scene, we finally learn what the pamphlet is for. Min-soo has written a letter to mum.

"Mum, this is Eun-dong. I've experienced a great change, so I've decided to leave home for a while. A son who left without completing his engagement...please forgive me. However, I will definitely return when I've transformed into a real handsome man. Until then, please believe in me and wait patiently. One more thing, as soon as you receive this letter, please go to Coach Hwang immediately. If something happens to him because of me, I will feel really bad. Mum, I hope you can support your 14 year old son's decision. I love you mum..."

Morning. Tae-ri freaks out to find herself in a foreign place. She nudges the sleeping Min-soo awake, which also awakens Coach who immediately scrambles to his feet. He introduces himself as Asian Games Gold medalist, Hwang Min-gook, elder brother of Min-soo and offers his hand, keen on leaving a good impression. Then he fluffs it by remarking she looks even more beautiful with her eyes opened. LOL.

Freaked out, Tae-ri asks Min-soo why he didn't send her home since he knows where she lives. Min-soo explains sheepishly that he ran out of money, even the drinks were paid with his brother's card, which was maxed out. Tae-ri checks her handbag and shouts that she has 6 cards with no limits in her purse but Min-soo doesn't like to use a woman's money. Tae-ri pays Coach much to Min-soo's displeasure and calls someone to pick her up. Coach hilariously clears a path among the walnuts for her.

 As she waits outside, Min-soo reclaims her shoes which were left as a guarantee in exchange for the trolley. He thanks her - she got drunk because she was accompanying him. Embarassed, Tae-ri reminds him that things that happens during drinking sessions are best forgotten the nest day.

Secretary Hong is here with the car, and gives Min-soo a dirty look as she ushers Tae-ri into the car. Tae-ri asks a meandering Min-soo what he's doing - he's supposed to catch flies!

As soon as they enter the museum, Seung-jae appears at once to greet her. She's surprised the museum is so empty but he tells her that the museum is closed for the day, as well as the mobile museum. She's got no say in this because he claims that she promised the Vice President to stay out of the museum business. (That's you putting words in her mouth, you sly snake).

 Then, Seung-jae reports that Min-soo's brother Min-gook is currently linked to a kidnapping attempt and demands that Min-soo be removed from her side in view of the danger he poses. Tae-ri defends Min-gook by declaring he's not that kind of person. He has kind eyes (really?) and is a family-type man who cracks walnuts at home (LOL). She can confirm this because she's just spent the night in Min-soo's house, where his brother is also present. She demands that the museum be open for business as usual tomorrow. As for today, Min-soo is welcome to explore the museum to his heart's content. Min-soo skips away happily while Seung-jae stares daggers at his back.

Min-soo immediately makes his way to the Sun-clock. Looking at the clock, he makes a resolution to himself. He will forget Soon-sim from now on. The 14 year old Eun-dong devoted to her will cease to exist. He will try his best to protect Tae-ri in the coming three weeks. He will definitely revert back to himself and when he does, he will start anew and forget her. Until then, he will be Hwang Min-soo, Miss Lee Tae-ri's fly swatter, 25 year old Hwang Min-soo!

A jealous Seung-jae releases his pent-up anger by boxing with his underling (or rather boxing his underling). Hihi.

Well, his problems are not over. Soon-sim surprises Hong-sil by showing her a couple picture of Seung-jae and her. She admits they're dating and wants to know about Tae-ri and Seung-jae's relationship. Hong-sil denies any knowledge but Soon-sim threatens to expose how Hong-sil lied about her age (she's 7 years older) and threatens to quit the group (because she supported her lies as leader of the group).

Meanwhile, Tae-ri is briefed by Secretary Hong regarding the popular idol - "Heart".  Heart is a CF darling and popular among youngsters. For the past 3 year, Heart has been the image spokesperson for CLS Group and in particular their automobiles lines the sales of which greatly increased due to her influence. Tae-ri is keen to make her the museum's spokesperson but it's easier said than done. Mungbeanfly is sure to interfere and her swatter in still in heartbroken mood. Still, she wonders what will entice Heart to her musuem. Min-soo interrupts the briefing and asks sheepishly for a special lesson.

Cue to Tae-ri in school ma'am glasses briefing him about his target Choi Seng-jae. He's 30 years old, born in Seoul. His parents divorced when he was 17 years old, after which he migrated to Milan, Italy. Min-soo is surprised mungbeanfly is also of Italy-educated faction (not Lee Tae-ri's faction - both sounds almost the same). He's 182cm, weighs 70kg +/- 1kg - Min-soo jokes that he's too heavy for a fly. (Heh. You're one heavy swatter too!)

Tae-ri continues. He studied architecture in Milan University and excels in networking. Good in sports and prideful, he would never participate in a game he can't win. Member of fencing in University days. Min-soo interrupts, "That's why he's sharp and rude like a sword. Even his shoes are pointed." Tae-ri warns him not to interrupt anymore and continues. His mum operates a travel agency, so he's familiar with all things Italian - geography, language, cuisine and how to handle Italians. He's got guts, honest, never runs away from a challenge for no reason and optimistic to the point of annoying. (Are we still talking about the same person here?) And he loves the Italian lifestyle which consists of good food and passionate love. (Dude has changed A LOT).

Min-soo stops her. How can he go against him if all she tells him are his good points? He needs to know Seung-jae's weaknesses. Oriented teaching. Doesn't she have any sense? (oopss)

Tae-ri takes offense at that and starts rattling off Seung-jae's weaknesses - allergy to Kiwi (Why??? Tough!); needs to go to the toilet every morning or he'd be uneasy throughout the day (errr, too much details!), loses all rationality if his hairstyle is ruined (pfffttt...really?). They all sound petty to me but Min-soo approves. (LOL. I think Tae-ri is starting to act really childish when she's with Min-soo.)

Soon-sim is having a supermarket date with Seung-jae. She's pleased with the surprise date since she thinks he was angry about the party incident. And he is, demanding to know who Min-soo is. She queries his curiosity. Is he angry because of her or Tae-ri? Because he's jealous Min-soo is pestering Tae-ri? She's heard about him having Tae-ri followed and all from Hong-sil. Seung-jae tells her to stop using Hong-sil who knows nothing. Hurt, she claims that she sent Min-soo to break them up. Not intimidated in the least, he warns her to drop the jealous act and get rid of Min-soo. Soon-sim purses her lips and forces back tears as he leaves her alone. (Still no match for him...)

Tae-ri, Min-soo and a whole bunch of reporters welcomes Miss Heart to the museum. Wait a minute, does my eyes deceive me or isn't that Soon-sim? Ok, Heart is Ha Soon-sim it seems. Anyway, Ms Heart has agreed to be Dae-dong Museum's spokesperson thanks to Tae-ri's generous offer. They reach this thing which allows you to experience zero gravity, like the outer space.

Min-soo puts her on the spot by suggesting that she tries it out, daring her to refuse. Hah. Her PR mode on, she agrees with a smile. Min-soo's smile is greater, especially as he straps her to the seat. Seung-jae chooses that moment to arrive and his presence further fuels Min-soo's displeasure. He spins her round and round without mercy while Tae-ri narrates for the reporters how the weightless feeling of the cosmos is akin to the feeling of isolation induced by restricted movements. She doesn't forget to take a dig on Seung-jae by commenting that the feeling is also similar to the feeling of being dumped by their first loves.

Next up is the Typhoon Experience Center. Seung-jae warns Tae-ri not to take it too far. Min-soo pushes him to the front suggesting that he takes the challenge instead. Worse, Soon-sim also relishes the opportunity of being with him. In front of the reporters, Seung-jae has no choice but to accept. Again, Tae-ri narrates for the crowd, also comparing the typhoon powers with the feelings of being dumped by first loves.

At the end of the promotional event, Tae-ri thanks Heart for her participation and looks at Min-soo surreptitiously. He gives her the thumbs up. Seung-jae looks at his ringing phone, frowning when he sees that it's the Vice President.

Soon-sim catches Min-soo alone and demands to know how long he plans on blackmailing her with the engagement secret. Min-soo admits it will be the last time. This was just payback for hurting Eun-dong and insulting his family. Since she helped Tae-ri today, they're even now. She insinuates that he's pretty opportunistic for choosing Tae-ri over Eun-dong. Then she even suspects that Eun-dong and his family conspired in his disappearance just to hold on to her. Having had enough of her continuous insults, Eun-dong tells her not to be too full of herself. Eun-dong will no longer like her, no matter what happens. So she should just hold on to her mungbeanfly and be careful that he doesn't leave her for a fresher dish.

Seung-jae meets up with the Vice President (VP) at the swimming pool who immediately gives him an earful for not stopping Tae-ri. Seung-jae pleads for another chance and Mr. VP tells him to get on it. He's too busy learning swimming before his son comes back. Hmm...who's the son?

Tae-ri smiles gleefully at the press coverage of the promotional event but when Min-soo enters the room, she immediately puts on her poker face. (She does that a lot). He gives her a present - Italy towels - in gratitude to her for helping him exact revenge on Soon-sim. She insists that it was purely professional and returns the gift. Min-soo rejects it, a gift is not to be returned. Furthermore, it was made by his brother (Coach).

Seung-jae also turns up, inviting Tae-ri to a party organized by Mr. VP to celebrate her taking over the Curator position. He claims to have given up on her, so if she wants to protect the museum, she'd better tell it to the VP. Tae-ri hands over the guest list to Min-soo and tells him to prepare for a party. Oh uh.

At home, Min-soo made a list of his own, the better to recognize Tae-ri's foes (mungbeanflies). A knock at the door and the voice of Eun-dong's mum immediately sends Min-soo running for cover. A nervous Coach opens the door to the very anxious and apologetic parents of Eun-dong. They hadn't discover the note earlier because mum hasn't been making dwenjiang recently and they're extremely sorry to have blamed Coach. Mum wants to make amends by cleaning up his place but Coach stops her from moving his stuffs by lying on the bed. Dad offers to wait upon him so the quick thinking Coach pretends to have high blood pressure which spikes at the sight of them. LOL. The couple retreats reluctantly leaving Coach with Min-soo again. At least now he won't be taken for a kidnapper.

Hong-sil is helping Tae-ri trying on a dress. Hong-sil tries to bring up Seung-jae, as if she she has something to say but Tae-ri is too preoccupied with the dress and her resolution to protect her museum to pay much attention.

Soon-sim grumbles about Eun-dong telling others about the calluses on her foot. Then she recalls Min-soo's words and reactions and seems to come up with some kind of conclusion.

Dressed to the nines, Tae-ri and Min-soo is welcomed by Seung-jae.

On the way, they are met with her Uncle who expresses surprise to see her since he doesn't recall inviting her. And what's with her dress. Seung-jae (the bastard) explains that Tae-ri insists on coming after he told her that a ceremony to commemorate the late president is being held today. It's a bloody trap. Now she'll appear disrespectful if she excuses herself and disrespectful if attends the ceremony, dressed as she is. The embarrassment doesn't end there as Seung-jae made sure that a seat wasn't prepared for Tae-ri, leaving her standing at the side. Seung-jae tells the dissatisfied Min-soo to solve the problem his way.

 As the ceremony begins, Min-soo creates a makeshift seat for Tae-ri with a table ignoring the curious stares of others. Tae-ri is hesitant but Min-soo reminds her she's got no choice. Seung-jae is just waiting to see them fail. She allows herself to be carried to the table and seats herself as regally as she could in the situation, ostensibly ignoring the people behind. Min-soo stands beside her, carrying a vase. LOL. Whatever for?

Seung-jae smirks at his miserable efforts to maintain dignity and continues his speech. Seung-jae makes a glowing presentation of Mr.VP and a photo of his son projects onscreen - it's Eun-dong's best pal : Lee Soo-bin. Next, he highlights the firstborn of the late president, Tae-ri's dad, even going as far as to showing the scene of accident. Tae-ri starts crying when Seung-jae plays up her guilt by emphasizing how her parents died on the way to pick her up....on her birthday. Scanning the faces all around, Eun-dong realizes that it's a deliberate attempt to upset and demoralize her.

He passes her a flower and tells her to wait for him. Then he grabs Seung-jae by the lapels and kisses him full on the LIPS. Mamamia!!! He's got everyone's attention now and Tae-ri is too shocked to feel upset as well. LOL. Seung-jae struggles free and Min-soo has the audacity to wipe his mouth with Seung-jae's tie. LOL.He complains that Seung-jae is too long-winded for a mungbeanfly.

Then he walks up to Tae-ri and offers to take her to a real party. Tae-ri looks at him with stars in her eyes. (at least it seems like that to me. LOL).


LOL. Now that's how you catch one's attention. I'm warming up a little to the story but I think I know why I'm not hearting it much more. Two very central characters are irritating the hell out of me. Selfish Soon-sim and Seung-jae's split personality are so......annoying. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to sympathize with them but at this point of the story, I really really feel like strangling them. Which I guess is the point, but leaves me fuming whenever they show up on my screen, which is pretty frequent. Grrr.

Since this is a rom-com, there's not much development in terms of plot movement but at least the leads are spending more and more time with each other. There is the curious thread where Soo-bin is the VP's beloved son so I'm glad the kids get to play a bigger role in future episodes.

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